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The Universal Blueprint Project.
No matter if you consider yourself a scientist, a practitioner of religion or Spirituality, a Business man or politician. Even if you tie yourself to none of these or indeed all of them at the same time, it is a certainty that every single person on the planet is a unique and extraordinary individual with their own unique perspective of the world they live in, however we all equally share common ground just as much as our own individual ones, and that common ground is that we are all equally part of the same universe. Our cultures across the globe seem to be constantly pulled in two equal and opposite directions. One expanding outwards to be individuals but at the same time contracting together to become one unified race. But the truth is that we are always both of these at all times equally expanding and contracting in equal measure just like the atoms that build our world! Continuously striving to be our own unique self but also part of the human race at the same time. A need to be different but also by being different we are adding to the greater concept of building our society. With this aside one constant is ever present no matter what you go through in your life or who you want to try and become, you and everyone else are part of the same universe together!
What is the Universal Blueprint Project.
The universal blueprint project is first and foremost a study of a concept that transcends all divisions within the human race, but equally is a force that creates individuals at their very core of existence. This concept or aspect is that of knowledge, the knowledge of all humankind since the very beginning of the first conscious mind and will continue on until as long as the human race continues. Knowledge or human understanding is the underline factor that has driven our development on every level of our culture, from physical evolution, architecture, conflicts, art, religion, science, even business. It is the river that flows through generations and pools within the minds of every individual during their lifetime. Just like other forms of energy knowledge follows the same universal rules and patterns. One of these rules and patterns is that all the knowledge and understanding held by the minds of humankind just like humankind themselves have all developed and expanded from a very small if not singular starting point, that is the minds of the first human beings on the planet. The second factor is that also like energy knowledge can never be created or destroyed only changed and utilized over given periods of time, this change and utilization of knowledge comes form the mechanic of perception and understanding within ones given lifetime.
It is a fact that from the birth of the first conscious mind humans will strive to understand the universe around them and also them selves in the process. This drive of understanding has without a doubt fueled the development and expansion of our very evolution, it is embedded in the fiber of our culture around the world as we all, even without realizing it add to this understanding during our lifetimes as we experience the world round ourselves. Knowledge is passed on through generations like a living being in its own right, growing and being re born and re used again and again in endless combinations, moving through cycles of gathering together before being spread out over the minds of the world. The concept of human knowledge is tied to our very DNA and has grown with us from the very beginning. It is because of this very fact that all knowledge in all forms is bound together in its quest to understand the universe, it is because of this that the Universal Blueprint has two main aspects, firstly the study of how this force called knowledge or understanding behaves or is structured within the universe, but also secondly to understand the knowledge in its entirety that has been passed on and developed within the human mind since its conception those many thousands of years ago.
The Projects Function.
As mentioned the Universal Blueprints first and foremost goal is the study of the behaviors and structures of knowledge and understanding within the human race. Seeing knowledge as a force that runs inside consciousness just as electricity runs through wires and water through pipes, understanding the true map of knowledge through time will also allow us to better understand the universe itself as all forces and energies of all kinds also follow the same universal laws. Just as the first humans quickly learned that the human body is a smaller reflection of the same processes and structures that are used to build every level of the universe.
With this in mind then the project itself hold the following goals in order to achieve this search for a greater level of understanding.
1. The gathering and preservation of all forms of knowledge within humankind’s society.
2. To record and document where the knowledge has developed from in its past as to better understand the history of knowledge to provide a better and more comprehensive path to develop the knowledge in the future.
3. To unify and develop that knowledge so that it can lead to benefits to future generations in all walks of life.
4. To teach and pass on both the knowledge gathered and its new developed aspects to future generations to that it can be used to better humankind’s understanding of itself in the future.
5. To promote a better world wide understanding of all points of view and methods of understanding across geographic location, culture, race and time to help foster a higher level of respect and awareness between all people of the human race, through the understanding of a universal blueprint of understanding and development that can be applied by all people equally.
How The Project was Started.
The Universal Blueprint Project was created as a natural development to my own studies into the understanding of one’s self and the universe around me. I began in the world of the Eastern culture and specifically in the search for understanding within the Taoist systems. I grew up learning the ways of the Tao and how in the eastern philosophy and marital arts or the study of the body were one and the same, learning how philosophy and understanding transcended the physical form but equally reflected itself within it. However growing up in the west but learning an eastern system there was only so far you could go without being part of the culture which that system was born from. Over time a natural progression was to begin to explore western philosophy in a hopes to begin to form a stronger link with the culture I was growing up in. But what was to happen next was unexpected and led myself down a rabbit hole of discovery that could never be closed once opened. I began to see that direct links between the two systems of understanding in the east and west shared common grounds, of course both sides of the coin were studying the same world and so there would be similarities, but this was more than a simple cross over in observed environment. The links that I was discovering were less about shared information but what was not shared. The gaps in knowledge that I had found in the systems of the east seemed to be filled seamlessly with the knowledge of the west and vice versa. Almost as if I had learn one book with missing pages and then found those missing pages within another book sold completely separately and not only that in a completely different language and handwriting.
With my interest peaked and a thread that needed to be unraveled I continued to pull and discovered further that there were in fact four main threads of study within the east and west that wove a complete tapestry of understanding out of the four separate strands. These would become the Western European line and the Western American Line. Along with the Eastern Chinese line and also the Eastern Indus Line. As I ventured on this quest trying to answer the question of why and how these four parts made a whole, I found that each of the four lines had been given one piece of a whole from the first civilization in the middle east, and each had been developed and interwoven itself through time. This separation of understanding occurred over 6,000 years ago and from my in depth study and search for answers this is the first time these four systems and core developments passed on from this time have been brought together in their entirety to reform the original and complete Universal Blueprint. A Universal Blueprint that can be over layered and applied to any concept or aspect of the modern world in equal measure, to provide a map or path of development on every level of existence within the universe itself.
Through this journey of acquiring the Universal Blueprint I have also been able to study and understand how this knowledge has been developed and passed on through time, creating an unbroken link of teacher to student through the many cultures and systems in the world, showing how this blueprint of the universe has been used to form the basis of all our areas of understanding from religions, to sciences, from cultures to genealogy and family trees. In each level or area of development this blueprint can be applied just as it itself was created from it, it is the hidden code or foundation that all understanding and knowledge held by the human race is built upon and we can see it all around us in the world we have created as an attempt to understand the universe that we are both trying to grow from and return to in equal measure.
The Basis for the Blueprint.
Since the beginning of the first system of organised or collective human thought we could call Shamanism there has been a simple set of observations within the rules or structure of the universe and the human body that have stayed constant throughout time and even exist in modern Science. These have been labelled as varied and multi-faceted concepts throughout that expanded period of time.
1. Law of the Singularity – the concept that all things on in the universe are connected through an original source and so through the phenomena of time all things are related to one another. This we can relate of course to the concept of the Big Bang.
2. Law of Vibration – the concept that all things in the world on every level all vibrate at various rates. This means in short that all things even down to the atom are both expanding and contracting at equal rates, it is these various rates that create the vibrational levels of the universe. We of course know this to be true as all things do vibrate at a varying rate. Solids vibrate at a faster rate than liquids for example.
3. Law of Correspondence - this law represents the idea that the same pattern is repeated throughout every vibrational level of the universe, from the human body to the solar system. the Egyptians would refer to this as “as above so bellow”. As one can understand one by understanding the other.
4. The Law of Attraction – in this concept also known as entrainment, bodies of similar qualities often attract each other and become similar to one another over time. In a grater sense this is the act of gravity as one finds a body of similar quality and is pulled towards it due to its relative attraction. In the use of physical or symbolic gravity the bigger the mass or bodies of focus the larger the pull this body will have on smaller bodies of a similar nature, over time unless a force is provided to counter this, all things of a similar quality would one day unite together. In a reverse function of how there were originally divided form the same source in Law one. It is the prescience of an equal and ever present force opposite to gravity that prevents a regression of separation within the universe.
5. Law of Inspired Action – this is the law or concept of will power. In this sense all change or action of change created in the universe must have a motivator behind it in order to force it to change. This is the active force to the passive gravity force given in law four. In human terms this motivator is manifested as will power or want to act, in the natural world heat or energy must be applied in sufficient quantities in order to stimulate action at an atomic level.
6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy – this concept as described by the shamans is the idea that all energy is every changing and is in constant motion throughout time, this manifests itself into cycles as all things move from one to another and then back again. In modern times we have provide that energy itself cannot be created or destroyed just like matter, only moved or changed form one form to another, and so the cycle of energy circulates in the universe. Energy changes matter and so manifests itself into a visual or tangible form for a period of time. When that manifested matter becomes of a sizable quantity it itself is effected by a new state of energy and so spins the cycle. This is employed in life by the generation of electrical energy from all other forms of energy, often returning back into various forms of mechanical, thermal, chemical, potential or gravitational functions. This is a man made version of the natural cycle of energies and manifestations we see in our world. For example within the body and the weather.
7. Law of Cause and Effect – this law states that all actions have an equal event and has been considered as karma by those in the past. However this is a very real law as all forces must at some point cause an effect on the physical world around them, the factor here is time, as an event is caused the area of effect increases over time in accordance to the size of the original cause. We can see this by watching the ripples emerge from a stone hitting the water. Or the birth of a child that effects the world the longer they are alive. In truth this extends back to law one and is the concept of time itself being acknowledge. As without time all would still be as it was at the big bang. As over time change becomes more visible. A simple proof of this law in action is the use of concept of the switch. We flip a switch to cause an event. Thus cause and effect.
8. Law of Compensation – this law is a combination between law seven and law four as cause and effect can be linked closely with the law of attraction. As usually one creates an action to become closer to a position of equal standing they would like to work towards, this of course also takes will power form the person and thus included law five. In simplistic terms the amount of effort or energy given will be equal to the benefit or level of change received, this change given direction or purpose results in your achievement of your goals. If you work hard you will achieve more and if you work hard in one direction you will become closer to it. This of course related to energy as if you apply more energy to a bodies of rest and direct it at a desired direction the further the bodies will travel towards the needed destination.
9. Law of Relativity – in this law we are introduced to the concept of perspective. More importantly that all things in the universe have their own point of view and it is our own minds that bind us to a reference we choose to perceive. Thus we often are limited to our own level of self when it comes to seeing the universe around us. Tying our minds to the single point of space and time our bodies occupy, often forgetting a simple truth, that we are not the only matter in the universe. This concept is often referred to as the use of Schrodinger’s theory where perspectives are relative and all valid and invalid at the same time. Perspective then is relative and so open to interpretation and debate, it is also relative once again to time as each second change occurs and so what is perceived now may not be perceived a few moments later in the same way. Perspective then is subject to time and space.
10. Law of Polarity – this law brings to light another truth of the universe that there is always duality within all things. In history this has been referred to as Yin and Yang, good and evil, the pillars of Mercy and Severity. In truth this is what we call equal and opposite reactions as given by Einstein. That every action has an equal and opposite reaction, a concept of course already addressed in law one that the big bang must be contracting and expanding at the same time in equal measure, just as all things like in law two are always vibrating in both directions. The factor that varies here is the rate or the time when each action and reaction occur, this law also brings us the mechanic of cycles once again as this duality and every changing force from positive to negative to positive drives our cycles of change. With the application of time these cycles become spirals of cause and effect.
11. Law of Rhythm – in this law a further development towards the use of cycles are given, that the “rhythm” of the subject is given by the length of time a cycle completes a full journey or period of transformation. This for example can be seeing the cycle of the earth around the sun. A full cycle for a year is considered the period where the earth reaches the same point at which it began its relative journey. There or of course various over cycles in relation to this as there is also a cycle of the earth rotating around its own axis and also a cycle that completes when the earth passes its orbit around the same series of stars as each orbit is slightly different due to its non-spherical orbit. These cycles are called Aeons. These different cycles relative to each other provide the different rhythms of the universe but also are set repeatable cycles that can be measured and recorded through time. A smaller example of this is the turning of a wheel on a car as each time a full rotation of a wheel takes place the distance is the same, however the speed of the cycles is dictated by the speed of the cars movement. So the same cycle can appear to move faster or slower according to the cars acceleration and so having a varied rhythm.
12. Law of Gender – this law is similar to the law of polarity that all things have an equal and opposite force or function and so contract and expand equally, in law ten the focus is mainly on the cyclical change from one extreme to another while this law simply states that the two opposites exist at the same time. The existence of both forces or both versions of any given thing in the universe. Most commonly assigned to the sex of human beings at birth for this very reason. This is part of the product of cycles as there must always be a positive and a negative force in play to power the cycles of change.
These laws or observations that have been passed down through time and embedded in our culture although they are important and are equivalent to letters when forming sentences within the great knowledge of the universe they themselves are not the whole blueprint of the universe. They are only the precursor to a more comprehensive and complete visualization of the universal blueprint in its full form. However understanding that these laws exists and are a fact of the world we live in is essential in being able to apply the blueprint to all subjects of study.
Formation of the Blueprint Itself.
The Universe itself is a object, an object that we can not comprehend on our human scale, but an object non the less. Any object can be measured with a relative scale as all things have a beginning and an end where they stop being one thing and become something else. This is the definition of a subject of study, as you are either studying one thing or you are studying something else. For example you are either looking at the human body or you are looking at what the human body resides within. However there are always grades between those two points a subtle blend of change between the end of one thing and the start of another. These are what I would refer to as cosmic levels just like we always have a micro cosm or the macro cosm of study, in most cases as human beings we always refer to the micro as the human body and the macro as the universe or the world we live in. in truth the universe is made of a similar design there is the universe and everything bellow it. Regardless of if we know how bit the universe really is we can say that, as that is the very definition of the universe, and so we must have a relative scale between nothing, and the universe in its entirety. Within these two ends of the scale we have a ever varied and endless scale of vibratory levels, those who expand and contract near a scale of the universe itself, and those that expand and contract on a scale so small they barely exist. Human beings are far closer to the lower end of that scale as we as a vibrational body ourselves are closer to the size of the atom than that of the universe, and our point of perspective is closely tied to the scale of our bodies, and so we are only able to perceive vibrational levels close to the ones we choose to anchor our perspective to.
What we can begin to perceive though is our bodies, in great detail to be exact and our bodies represent a reflection of the universe itself as it is made of the same materials, all be it on a smaller scale, but the laws that govern the universe must also govern our bodies as our bodies are part of the universe. Like a leaf being dragged along in the larger current of the sea. So by understanding ourselves can we begin to understand the universe.
What the shamans of old quickly observed is that all subjects of study be it the universe or the human body seem to be able to be divided in their scales of extremes of change in series of tens. Ten being a relative number itself meant to describe the point where one stage ends and another begins as twenties for example are noticeable different to thirties and have the same increment of scale within them as the other but exist on a level above or bellow the prior and the latter. This no matter which set of ten your are looking at you know there are ten steps within each one, and each one of them can be also divided into ten and so on, numbers themselves are as relative to any scale as the one we will find here. In fact numbers are quite possible the truest version of the universal blueprint we can find in today culture. Because of this we can apply the sets of ten divisions within any vibratory scale as a standard. And according to how in depth we would like to look, each one of these can also be divided into ten and that also can be and so on and so on and so on. However what the Shamans noticed is that each scale of ten held identical cycles of vibrational change within it as the same pattern was repeated on each cosmic level only in a expanded or contracted form. So the fifth level within any cycle be it 35, 25, 85 or 0.5 would all hold similar qualities. Because of this each of the ten stages were given symbolic names or references that typically described the state of change within each level.
The Void or Aether that all things are exist within but in itself is nothing.
The Birth or singularity where one thing becomes something else
The Positive or anti matter (expansion)
The Negative or matter (contraction)
The Foundation or creation of structures
The Energetic or the effects of energy and change on matter, the perceived visualization of time.
The Creation of Life or the self, the point where matter and energy become one to form life or a self-sustained field, a point of conjunction of the previous steps and a point all future steps are built upon. Often manifested int eh form of an electromagnetic field.
The Light or subconscious. The production or the ability to manipulate light and radiation given from a field to create communication.
The Sound or consciousness, the ability to produce or absorb sound and radiation to create communication.
Unification or Higher thought, the ability to merge light and sound or the conscious and the subconscious, to turn communication into action or imagination. The ability to translate the world above and bellow into usable information. The ability to effect the level above and bellow on a small scale.
The death or conclusion, the point where one thing becomes something else.
These levels, directly translate to every level of cosmic vibration or defined vibrational scale, the human body being one of them.
1- The birth of the body,
2- The atoms.
3- The materials built form the atoms i.e skin bones, sells.
4- The body itself and the physical structure.
5- The energy that powers the body, the organs that control the flow of energy.
6- The creation of the EM field in the body and the use of the nervous system.
7- The ability to use and produce light or radiation to create the subconscious mind.
8- The ability to provide and use sound to create the conscious mind.
9- The ability to translate and control the two minds in to create thought.
10- The union between the body and mind with the outside world.
Within each one of these steps inside the vibrational level of the human body, contains itself 10 steps of equal design in order to develop into the next. These steps or levels on the chain manifest themselves into devices of change within that vibrational level, for example in the physical body these ten stages or devices that can allow change through the chain are also made of a physical nature, just as in the stage of the subconscious these devices or stages are made form the subconscious mind. These are as follows.
4 – the joints
5 - the energies or operations held within the organs.
6 – the shells or orbits of the EM field
7 – the stages of subconscious development or colors
8 – the stages of the conscious minds development or sounds
9 – the stages of personality construction or higher archetypes.
As we move through each of the vibratory stages within the body these devices or points of change within the grades of development become less physical and more energetic, becoming anchored to a larger and less defined location within the human body. In essence they become less solid in a vibrational term and become harder and harder to visually see as they occupy a vibratory rate higher than that which we can register with the naked eye. However this continued patterns can be seen due to the effects each device has on the levels above and bellow its own plane of existence. Just as we can identify that energy in the weather exists because we can see its effects on the matter around it. Just like the wind moving the trees.
These stages of ongoing patterns throughout the universal scale of vibration are present in all systems of study around the globe and throughout time. A consistent that begins to link all the systems in the world together with a common ground, the concept of the 10 stages of creation. These are often portrayed in various ways but more often in a set of nine points or ideals surrounded by a circle representing both the number 0 and 10 equally. Good examples of these are the systems of the three main cultures on the main continent. The tree of life or Kabbalah in Europe, the Kundalini system and the I Ching. These all hold the common use of the nine stages of development housed within the circle of the universe or the cosmic level which is the 10th. This brings us to the universal blueprint and how it has been fragmented. These three systems or areas of the world all use this map of the nine devices within them, however each holds two separate diagrams that picture this system being used in six different ways. In effect six different maps of the same set of stages. Each system has dedicated itself on developing each one of these individual layouts or links between the stages and building a cultural foundation that has existed until this very day. However each system or map themselves does not hold a complete diagram or map itself. For example imagine drawing on a map of the country nine locations in a circle around its border. Now give the map to six different people and tell them they they must find a route that covers all the points but each route must not match the same journey as any of the other five people. You will of course receive six completely different journey to achieve the same goal. But what you will also have is no two people will a complete understanding of the country as a whole, each person will have a different personalize view of the country and not hold a full true map of the land. But what if you put all of those maps together, you would have a full and all knowing understand of the country and how to navigate it. This is the same in these six diagrams or systems within the three cultures. If we overlay all six diagrams we receive a full and complete map or understanding of the use and creation of each of the nine devices within every stage of the universe. It is this that forms the basis for the Universal Blueprint Project.
European and Western Maps.
The Kabballah
The Star of David
Middle East and Indus Maps.
First cross of the Kundalini
Second cross of the Kundalini
Far East and Chinese Maps
The I Ching
The Little Nine Heaven
Far West and American Maps
The Great Web