
Shamanism – Law 3, The Law of Correspondence

In this video we look at the third low or universal concept of Correspondence also more commonly known in later systems as the "above and bellow". This is the constant that the world is built on a series of repeating cycles that mimic themselves on every vibrational level, these vibrational levels mentioned in the 2nd Law. this works together with the previous laws to create the universe by looking to understand a cross section of the universe on any level and then once understanding this, applying it to every level of vibration by using the concept of correspondence as a template that can be manifested within the mind and overlaid over all things. In short it is the use or understanding of the microcosm and the macrocosm that connects all things to one another.


Shamanism– Law 4, The law of Attraction


Shamanism - Law 2, The law of vibration